Even before I began personal training women would tell me they were afraid to lift weights because they didn't want...'to be all muscular and look like a man.' I've explained the science so many times, that at other times, tired of educating my fellow sisters on this myth, I was forced to shake my head in dismay. But for the record, here it goes again...."Ladies, please lift weights. They get you tight. Keep you lean and lift you where you need it!" Unless your goal is to look manly, you won't. Here's why: 1) You don't have male DNA, predisposed to make large manly muscles 2) Few women could stand to eat as much food as it takes to build huge muscle 3) Fewer women have the grit to train with the intensity required to build huge muscle 4)You would have to be crazy to use any illegal substance that would produce those results and so many other dangerous side effects. With that aside, you are set to get some gloves and pump some iron! Remember to always use good form with moderate weight and focus on muscle tone, symmetry and the inner beast you're unleashing.
So now the word is out. And 'Skinny Fat' ain't in. 'Lean and Strong' is the new standard in health and wellness. Don't just do this because you want a totally hot body. There are several benefits to resistance training:
- metabolism boost leading to loss of unwanted body fat
- increase in lean muscle mass resulting in toned, well-defined muscles
- fight osteoporosis by improving bone density
- aid in depression management
- improve sleep quality and increased sex drive
- improved self-esteem and confidence
Knowing how great resistance training is for you, it's time to commit to this aspect of fitness. Whether you join a bootcamp, hire a personal trainer or follow a weight training program from a fitness magazine, now is the time to start. It's time to appreciate yourself for who you are and redeem your power for living your personal best. Before long, your goal body will greet you in the mirror.
It's a well-known fact that muscle burns more calories than fat and looks a whole lot better in jeans and a tank top than fat ever could. Another noteworthy fact to consider: It takes 17,500 calories burned to rid the body of five pounds of fat. Now you have to 'weigh' the evidence and answer the question for yourself. Should women lift weights?